Per Habitum Virtutis
"Excellence Through Training"
IFT believes in the aggressive, hard-charging, critically-thinking firefighter who puts the public before themselves, and honors their oath of service.
IFT believes in building a culture of company pride, professionalism, and eradicating complacency.
IFT appreciates, celebrates, and honors the romance, tradition, and heritage of the American fire service and the hard work and sacrifice of those who've come before us. While we recognize and honor the past, we must also look to the future and current innovations. IFT will always look to incorporate the latest technology and tactics, where applicable, so long as it doesn't compromise the delivery of our mission.
IFT currently offers firefighter training classes in the following disciplines: rotary saw forcible entry, through-the-lock, and hazmat sampling for first due companies.
Chief John Eversole (ret.) of the Chicago Fire Department said it best, "Nobody calls the fire department and says, 'Send me two dumb-ass firemen in a pickup truck. ' In three minutes they want five brain-surgeon decathlon champions to come and solve all their problems.” Here at IFT, we aim to provide high-quality training to better equip today's "brain-surgeon, decathlon champions" so they can provide the best service possible to the public.